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Cloud Dancing

Cloud Dancing is one of the favorites among our volunteers and staff.

He was found in a pasture lying beside his mother whom had died shortly after giving birth to him. One of our volunteers brought him over right away, and it was love at first sight. When he came to us, he was as white as a cloud, and jumped for joy when we gave him his first bottle -- thus he was dubbed Cloud Dancing.


He had to be with one of our staff at all times during his first two months as we bottle fed him, he even slept in bed with her! For several months he lived inside the staff housing, fully thinking he was a human, and he would have preferred to stay inside.

Once he began to wean we slowly transitioned him out into our main pasture with the other sheep and goats. He wasn't very happy about the change at first, because he couldn't be with "mommy" like he wanted. But he soon learned that he was part sheep too.

He is still tightly bonded with humans, and greets all of our volunteers whenever they arrive.

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