Urgent Help Needed & Christmas Giveaways!
Wix has changed their policies and is now limiting the number of emails and blogs that we can send each month. Unfortunately, because of...
What a wild month it's been.
Greetings everyone! Be sure and follow us on Facebook FB.me/LemondropNonprofit Hope you are all well, happy and ready for the holidays....
September again!
Greetings everyone. So sorry that we haven't been blogging, we have been so busy with starting up new programs to get donations directly...
Stressful August but still moving forward.
Hello everyone. We haven't been online much this last week, even to post the Community work or photos of the animals. It's been very busy....
February is here!
reetings everyone! We have been SO busy that our last January blog is a few days late. There has been so much food and household...
Kohl's Cares Virtual Fundraiser
Kohl's Cares has partnered with Lemondrop to do Virtual Fundraising! You can Social Distance, Volunteer and help raise money to support...
Happy New Year!
Greetings everyone! It's hard to believe we finally made it through 2021 and reached 2022. Goodness! We are all happy and healthy here at...
Christmas Miracle!
Greetings everyone! We hope this holiday season finds you happy, healthy and safe despite the craziness of society. All of our Volunteers...
November Update
Hello everyone! Please commit to doing good & supporting Lemondrop with $5 per month via PayPal.me/LemondropNonprofit and encourage your...
October Update
Quick Lemondrop updates for the week We are 20% of funding raised for our mandatory expenses for October. The deal that had been pending...